3D visualization software is the future for many industries. Architects, engineers, and even data scientists use 3D visualizations to better understand their work and explain their work to others.

After years of practice, professionals often know their practice so well that they operate on cruise control. But architectural visualization platforms can bring a new perspective (no pun intended) to the architectural and design process. By creating real-time 3D visualizations with architectural rendering software, you will have the tools to improve your work and increase your clients’ satisfaction. This is why Market Watch reports the global demand for architectural visualization and 3D rendering software will increase from about $910 million in 2016 to $5.72 billion in 2025.

Here are three key benefits of real-time 3D visualization software:

Better Designs

Everyone has experienced it. You finished a project, only to realize later that you had missed something. It was easy to miss as you worked with dozens of pages of drawings and specifications. But it was easy to find when you created a 3D rendering on an architectural visualization platform. Having a real-time 3D visualization tool like ALY helps you spot problems, errors, and omissions early in the design process to help you produce better designs.

Even when your plans are flawless, a sharable 3D visualization of your designs will help you get feedback from colleagues, mentors, and supervisors. A cloud-based architectural platform will run on any device and operating system. This simplifies the review process and allows your reviewers to provide feedback and criticism without consuming too much of their time.

To view a live demonstration of what your colleagues could see during a review of your work, visit ALY’s architectural visualization platform demo.

Quicker Client Approval

Put yourself into your client’s shoes. Your client has invested hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars into a building project. Working with you, the client hopes to turn a dream into a reality.

It is no wonder when these clients take their time approving projects. Your design must satisfy a wide range of client needs before the client approves the design for construction, including:

  • Meeting the client’s vision: Your design must meet the client’s vision for the project. Equally importantly, you need a language to communicate how you met the client’s vision. For most clients, that language is not 2D plans and blueprints.
  • Minimizing mistakes: Mistakes cost money. A client will want assurances that their building design is as mistake-free as possible.
  • Feasibility: Your design must include all the elements the client’s builder needs to construct the project. Moreover, the design must meet the client’s budget and timeframe.

Whether your client is an experienced developer or a first-time property investor, the client will most likely understand a 3D architectural rendering much more easily than a stack of 2D blueprints and drawings.

Efficient Project Management

Collaboration is the key to tackling large projects. This includes collaboration within your organization, but also the collaboration with others involved in the project. Some collaborators who will need to view and provide input into the project might include:

  • Clients
  • Investors and lenders
  • Builder and contractors
  • Prospective tenants and other occupants

Using ALY’s cloud-based architectural visualization platform, all these collaborators will be able to easily access your designs and provide input.

To learn more about ALY or view a live demonstration of the platform, contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.